Healthy breakfast
Healthy breakfast
Today Mamasana cooks in Dos Casas

Hello! Today we have the visit of Romi @mamasanablog who came to to teach us two healthy breakfast options. What do you think? Join in to see the proposals?
Rom i is an actress, lover of good eating, healthy food and family life, that's how he likes to define himself. " I am a blogger by chance and a curious cook. I never say no to a good barbecue, or a good bite, I love rich desserts and there is no such thing as a store with friends, but on a daily basis I choose to feed myself as healthy as possible and if I can add my healthy details to the lives of my friends and enjoy them, I feel very happy ".

Romi is super friendly and has an overwhelming energy! We meet her at Loli's house, and there we look forward to learning to cook rich, easy and healthy. Are we going to the first option?
Banana, oatmeal and seeds pancakes
1 banana
1 cup of oats
Various seeds
Coconut oil (neutral) 2 tablespoons
1 egg
1 splash of water
Put laavena and the seeds with the banana stepped in a bowl, mix well and add tablespoons of coconut oil, add the eggs and put in the pill. Add the water of chorritos, there is no exact amount, it depends on the texture that we want to achieve. Blend until a liquid paste is formed but not watered.
Preheat a frying pan with Teflon, or oiled, make mini pancakes and reserve.
On the other hand put in a pan some cut strawberries, add a spoonful of whole sugar or mascabo and a splash of water. Let boil and stir slowly to form a sweet, the amount of water depends on the consistency you want the sweet.
Once the pancakes are ready, you can make a tower by smearing them with cream cheese and strawberry jam, you can also add pieces of fruit and almonds or nuts.

What do you think? It was not great? It is also very rich! It is ideal as breakfast but you can also wait for the boys after school with this tower and become "super moms".

The second recipe is my favorite because I adore avocado! Put the ziploc in a bowl, to brir the egg and put it in the bag on its side. Boil water. Put the bag 3 minutes in the water. Put the avocado puree on the toast, to gregate the egg, p oner toppings and go!

Finished dish !!! Is not it good? It's super rich!

Romi is an entrepreneur and manages to find a perfect balance between motherhood, work, entrepreneurship and always be with a smile and splendid. Stay on your Instagram account or on your blog !

Did you like the recipes? With Loli we ate everything, and we had a morning super fun!
Eating healthy is easy, we just have to propose to change our habits a bit.
MamaSana is a healthy blog, it's about showing people and especially moms that eating healthy and healthy is easy. Romi shows us how with few ingredients we can eat a little better each day. What do you think? Are you encouraged to try it?
We hope you enjoyed the recipes, we are here next Monday!